Eating the Wrong Foods Is What Makes You Fat

healthy-fatsThe study of how nutrients interact with our human genes is called Nutrigenomics and is a blossoming new field of study. It studies the genes associated with health and disease which includes resistance to losing weight.

Most people are already aware that certain foods contain information and instructions for cells and hormones along with nutrients and calories. They are now trying to figure out how this information can turn on or off the expression of certain genes.

Recent studies prove that you do not get fat from simply eating too much. It is now a known fact that you do get fat from eating the wrong types of fat and the wrong types of carbohydrates.

Eating foods like high fructose corn syrup programs your body to become and stay fat. [Read more…]

Mouth-watering Raw Desserts and Treats

raw dessertsWho doesn’t love to snack?

From snack bars to cookies, pies and cakes all the recipes you will find in “Healthy Raw Desserts” volume one and two are unprocessed, easy to make, wheat, gluten, dairy and sugar free!

These treats pack loads of flavor and nutrition into every bite even though they seem deceptively simple.

When you substitute these mouth-watering snacks and desserts for the traditional baked treats you are more familiar with, you will be giving your body much needed nutrients while sacrificing none of the flavor.

Have you ever created dessert without using sugar, flour, dairy, soy or eggs as ingredients? If that seems impossible, you are in for a grand surprise! [Read more…]

7 Clean Eating Principles to Follow for Health and Weight Loss

insulin-resistance-hinders-normal-weight-lossThe typical “American Diet” includes food like fast food, fries, hot dogs, white bread, sugar and fat laden ice cream, sugary sweet drinks, snacks and cereals and let’s not forget the chips.

It’s no wonder that we feel awful, lethargic, and keep piling on the body fat.

Clean eating is gaining popularity as a way to gain better health, easily maintain weight and as a way to lose weight and keep it off for life. It is crucial to the maintenance of a lean and strong body, optimum performance, and good health.

Clean eating is not a new concept. Anyone who has been involved in any way with health, fitness or nutrition, from competitors to personal trainers to health-conscious individuals have known about eating clean for years. [Read more…]

Grab Those Weights to Tackle Weight Loss Resistance

stuckLifting weights or doing some sort of resistance exercise is the key in promoting fat and weight loss but works especially well for those experiencing any kind of weight loss plateau.

If the dreaded weight loss plateau is something you are presently experiencing you would benefit from developing resistance/strength training…most likely the missing component.

Resistance/weight training increases your bodies lean muscle mass that in turn increases your metabolism which in turn allows you to burn more calories and more fat…even when resting. [Read more…]

Balanced Hormones are Key Players in Weight Loss Resistance

Hormonal-BalanceBalance creates peace, harmony and stability in our lives and this same concept carries over to our health and diets. Science has discovered that there is a hidden “key” to losing excess weight and it has very little to do with calorie input or willpower.

Hormones are the key players here, governing nearly everything…stress levels, sexual activity and immune response.

When our biological systems are working in metabolic balance it is called “homeostasis”. When our weight is normal, our sleep patterns good, we’re exercising regularly, experiencing little to no stress in our lives, no depression nor chronic pain we are considered to be in a state of hormonal balance. [Read more…]

5 Possible Reasons Why Your Body is Weight Loss Resistant

scale1When you diet and give it “your all”…you do everything right, you eat your protein and fiber at all your meals, you exercise and take the right vitamins but…but your weight will not budge down that scale one pound more. Frustration sets in and eventually you give up your efforts thinking that nothing is going to work.

People who despite their best efforts struggle to lose weight are considered “weight loss resistant”. [Read more…]

Give Yourself a Break with the 80/20 Rule

8020The 80/20 principles is not a diet. It is a lifestyle change that invites balance and moderation into our daily consumption of food and sustainable weight loss into our lives.

Rigid limiting diets fad diets are temporary fixes at best and invite boredom, excuses and failure. Depriving yourself of sweets and treats all the time is neither realistic nor sustainable.

The 80/20 rule on the other hand allows you to be human. By allowing special indulgences into your meal plans, you will feel happier, more fulfilled (no deprivation) and healthier, all resulting in a slimmer you.

If you want to be social and enjoy a meal and a drink with some friends you have an open door to do so…without the guilt. Guilt is never a good thing…it is the poison that steals our momentary joy. [Read more…]

Nutrient Dense Green Smoothies

green smoothieGreen smoothies continue to take the world by storm. So what’s the big deal? What’s so great about green smoothies? What kind of equipment is needed, how many greens are used, how much do I need to make and how long does it keep?

These are all very valid questions for those of you who haven’t ventured into the “green smoothie” world yet.

To start with, green smoothies are easy to make, delicious and no they don’t taste like spinach.

What I love about greens is the chlorophyll they convert straight from the sun that boosts nutrition for optimum health and well being. [Read more…]

Vitamin D’s New Role in Weight Management

vitamina-d-e05cFor years vitamin D has been recognized for the role it plays in strengthening bones, fighting depression and boosting immunity.

More recently after decades of research, study and tests, experts are revealing that vitamin D levels…or the lack thereof also plays a role in weight management.

Vitamin D is not actually a vitamin but a potent neuro-regulatory steroidal hormone that has been shown to influence about 10% of all the genes in the body. [Read more…]

Optimal Food Choices for Nutrient Dense Eating

nutrient planWe all know how important it is to eat nutrient dense foods.

Here’s a guide list that will help you to make wise choices.

Optimal Protein Choices:

  • Choose free-range, cage-free, grass fed and no hormone added sources whenever possible. Avoid any farm raised fish.
  • Lean free range, organic chicken and turkey
  • Cold-water wild caught fish and shellfish (wild salmon, Alaskan halibut, sole, scallops and sardines) [Read more…]