Eating the Wrong Foods Is What Makes You Fat

healthy-fatsThe study of how nutrients interact with our human genes is called Nutrigenomics and is a blossoming new field of study. It studies the genes associated with health and disease which includes resistance to losing weight.

Most people are already aware that certain foods contain information and instructions for cells and hormones along with nutrients and calories. They are now trying to figure out how this information can turn on or off the expression of certain genes.

Recent studies prove that you do not get fat from simply eating too much. It is now a known fact that you do get fat from eating the wrong types of fat and the wrong types of carbohydrates.

Eating foods like high fructose corn syrup programs your body to become and stay fat. [Read more…]

Sugar turns on the “Fat Switch”

frustraed dieterThere’s no hiding the truth anymore. What you eat does matter. Recent studies show that you do not get fat from simply eating too much nor do you get fat from eating fat, the belief that has been held for so long.

It has now been proven that you do get fat from eating the wrong types of fat and the wrong type of carbohydrates. Basically you could safely say that becoming and staying overweight could be viewed as a symptom of eating an improper diet, one that consists of chemically-laden processed food that is not natural to our chemistry and biology. Not a real surprise to anyone reading this I am sure.

It’s not just the food and calories you are consuming that is keeping you overweight; it is your habits, eating the wrong type of nutrient depleted foods, dead calorie foods. [Read more…]