Low-carb Vegetables are the Healthy Choice

low carb veggiesCarbohydrates are one source of energy the body utilizes to function properly throughout the day and unlike proteins or fats that need breaking down first, carbohydrates can be used immediately and is your body’s preferred source of energy.

Carbohydrates in moderation play key roles in maintaining a balanced diet.

The main sources of carbohydrates in most diets include grains…breads, rice, pasta, cereals as well as vegetables, fruits, dairy products and other foods containing added sugars such as cookies, beverages and pastries. Most types of fish, poultry and meat do not contain carbs.

Low-carbohydrates vegetables are the healthy choice because they provide less calories with high nutrients. [Read more…]

Intermittent Fasting Can Help Burn Fat

intermittent fastingIntermittent fasting is not a traditional diet…in fact, it’s not a diet at all.

In simpler terms…it’s making a conscious decision to skip certain meals.

Intermittent fasting means consuming calories during a specific window of the day and making the choice not to eat food during the rest of the day.

If you are struggling with your weight it could be one of the most powerful interventions to help because it helps to shift your body from burning sugar/carbs to burning fat instead as its primary fuel source. [Read more…]

Do I Need to Go Gluten-Free?

gluten-free2Gluten-free…it’s one of the primary catch-words tossed around in health circles these days.

But what is gluten-free and why are so many people suddenly using these products?

In order to understand what gluten-free is and why it had become so popular we need to begin with understanding what gluten is.

Gluten is a major protein found in all forms of wheat (bulgur, duram, semolina, spelt, farro, etc.), barley rye and triticale which is a wheat-rye cross).

Unlike proteins from other grains and sources such as rice and meat, gluten is relatively hard for humans to digest completely and has made many people very sick. In fact, for 1% of the population gluten can actually be a matter of life and death (a condition known as celiac disease) and must be avoided.   [Read more…]

Cortisol, Stress and Weight

stress1Researchers have begun to link stress with weight gain and according to a survey by the American Psychological Association, nearly ¼ of Americans consider their stress levels at the level of 8 on a scale of 10.

Bottom line is…stress can and does shut down appetites. When we are stressed, the brain sends out messages to the adrenal glands to pump out the hormone epinephrine…known also as adrenaline. Epinephrine helps trigger the body’s important fight-or-flight response that temporarily puts eating on hold. [Read more…]

Pure Water for Proper Hydration

water1The easiest and most effective way to accelerate your weight loss results is to hydrate consistently.     

Water (after oxygen) is the most critical element in maintaining and properly facilitating your body’s chemistry.

Your healthy, energy and in the end, your life all depend on water.

So, how does one stay properly hydrated? You must consume a minimum of 7 oz. of water (not tap water, but pure water) for each 10 lbs. of body weight you carry. This increases if you are active, consistently work-out or live and work in dry climates. If you do  the math, that ends up to be just over 3 liters of water for a 150 lb. person. [Read more…]

Anti-inflammatory Super-Foods

superfoods3We hear the word inflammation tossed around a lot these days. But what exactly is inflammation and why should we be concerned?

Inflammation is a process through which the body’s white blood cells and chemicals work at protecting us from foreign substances such as viruses and bacteria as well as infections. The chemicals from the white blood cells increases the blood flow to the injured area or area of infection resulting in slight warmth and redness as well as swelling in the tissues.

These increased cells within the injured area…like an injured joint, irritate the area causing swelling of the joint lining and eventually wearing out the cartilage that protects the bones.

In autoimmune diseases, like arthritis, the immune system will trigger an inflammatory response even though there are no foreign substances to fight. The results are that the immune system normally used to protect us actually causes damage to its own tissues. [Read more…]

Sleep…it’s Good for Your Weight

sleep_exerciseMost of us have struggled with weight at one time or another and are well aware of how important regular exercise and a proper well-balanced diet are to our weight loss success.

But not everyone is paying attention to their sleep patterns in regards to weight loss.

Odd as it may seem there is strong evidence that sleep or the lack thereof strongly contributes to the obesity epidemic.

In fact, lack of sleep is gaining recognition and attention as a primary reason that weight loss efforts are impeded or fail altogether for many people struggling to lose weight.

A recent study was conducted on participants randomly assigned to sleep either 5 ½ hours or 8 ½ consecutively for 14 nights in a row. All their diets were trimmed by 680 calories and they all slept in a lab. [Read more…]

Your Metabolism Loves Toned Muscles

metabolismThe food we eat gets processed into glucose which is taken by the bloodstream and delivered to the muscle cells to be burned for energy. If the muscles are weak and flabby from disuse, they simply cannot use this glucose. So it stays in the bloodstream until instructed which fat storage depot it will be stored in.

There is no where else for it to go…you either burn it for energy or store it as body fat.

On the other hand, if you perform proper strength training exercises just 2-3 times a week with some real effort put into it, your muscles will become toned and will gobble up the glucose at a much faster and more efficient rate. This means of course that less or none gets parked on your hips, the back of your arms or around your waistline as excess blobs of fat. [Read more…]

Earthing…It Does a Body Good

eathing You might not realize it, but “earthing” restores and maintains the body’s finely tuned electrical state which in turn promotes optimum health.

Earthing, or grounding as it is sometimes called, is the art of walking barefoot so that the soles of your feet are in contact with Mother Earth. Earthing is to connect to the Earth’s natural, negative charge by being barefoot. (Or using conductive systems indoors)

The art of “earthing” believes that our bodies are meant to come into contact with the Earth on a regular daily basis for balancing our electrical system and healing.

The cells in our human bodies have electrical energy and we’re getting a high amount of positive electrons building up in our bodies by the prevalence of electromagnetic waves from cell phones and Wi Fi gadgets. [Read more…]

What Triggers You to Eat?

eating emotionalEmotional eating…food traps. Emotional eating is when we turn to food for comfort when we’re not hungry…something every one of us has done at one time or another.

Becoming aware of your emotional eating triggers puts you in control. It allows you to know what situations and emotions trigger you to eat when you are not hungry and you can steer clear of those dangerous traps.

Most often food triggers can be filed into distinct categories:

  • Social: Peer pressure and eating to fit in. Caving to the pressure of others.
  • Thoughts: It always begins in your thoughts. Your whole world is created in your thoughts. If you’re self-image has been damaged, your low negative image can trigger emotional eating. [Read more…]