Your Metabolism Is Your Body’s Engine

metabolismExcess weight…if you want to take it off and keep it off a healthy metabolism is your best friend. It’s about making sure your metabolic motor (your metabolism) is running smoothly so you do not have to become a yo-yo dieter on a never ending merry-go-round of weight loss/gain.

Losing weight is like running half a marathon. You are only half way there. You must change your metabolism right down at base level or you will continue to gain weight and as the years pass it will only get worse.This jeopardizes not only your looks but your health is at risk because being overweight increases the risk of al disease.

Strength training is by far the best answer to resetting and boosting your metabolism so it can burn more fuel around the clock. It is vital in cases of slowed metabolism as it may be that way if you have not been doing enough muscle building and maintaining activity. [Read more…]

Slim People Have Different Habits…In Their Minds and Activities

stop weight loss resistanceThe way you feel and think about yourself manifest outwardly into your world. But even more importantly, your beliefs color your perceptions of food, exercise and living a healthy lifestyle.

When you once quit living in daydreams about what you would like to achieve and take the reins, take control of your life, you quickly realize that the solutions you’ve been searching for outside of yourself are inside yourself. [Read more…]

12 Weight Loss Tips to Taking It Off and Keeping It Off

12 tips to weight lossThere are no magic bullets to weight loss but here are 12 steps you can follow that will help you to lose the weight, keep it off and feel good doing it.

12 tips to help you curb your appetite take weight off and keep it off… [Read more…]

Benefits of Slow Weight Training

slow exerciseThere are many different ways you can go about using resistance exercise but one version that seems to work well for many people is called Slow Weight Training.

By simply slowing things down, you actually turn your present exercise into a high-intensity exercise. The slow movement allows your muscle, at the microscopic level, to access the maximum number of cross-bridges between the protein filaments that produce movement in the muscle. The objective of this type of weight training is to create more tension in a muscle for a given workload which is accomplished by decreasing the speed of movement. [Read more…]

Muscle Matters

muscle mattersFrustrated dieters take notice…

The true key to successful and permanent weight loss is not about restricting food – it is about improving metabolism, your body’s engine. Your metabolism is responsible for turning the food you eat into energy so it can be burnt up rather than building up your tummy, hips and thighs.

The only way to boost your metabolism is to get your muscular system in better condition so you can burn more fuel (calories) both day and night. Proper strength training exercises are the key. [Read more…]