Toxins are Making You Fat

detoxToxins, those terrible toxins. Truth is, they are terrible and they do terrible things to your body.

Circulating toxins in your blood is both dangerous and damaging to your body so your body attempts to rid itself of them.

Guess where they hide out? The only place there’s room…in your fat cells. Fat cells are your body’s storage tanks and the first place your body looks when it needs to dump damaging toxins. [Read more…]

The Importance of a Nutrient – Dense Diet

nutrient-dense foodsIt’s not about eating less but better – what we need is nutrient-dense foods.

What are nutrient dense foods? They are foods that have a ratio of high nutrient to calorie value as opposed to empty calorie, nutrient – poor foods that are common place in our modern world.

Refining and processing foods removes nutrients. Once these processes are applied to fresh foods, you no longer receive nutritional benefit out of them (very little at best). [Read more…]