Cut Out Sugar to Manage Your Blood Sugar Levels and Control Weight

sugar freeThe first thing that we need to get under control when trying to manage weight is blood sugar levels. Yep, that means cutting out sugar in all its forms. Let’s face the facts, sugar is destructive and most people eat far too much of it. And there is no substituting with artificial sweeteners. They will not work either as they can damage your health even more quickly than fructose.

It is recommended that you keep your fructose consumption below 25 grams a day. This includes all sources, from beverages to condiments, including the fructose you get from whole fruits. [Read more…]

Stop Weight Loss Resistance With a Healthy Active Body

weight_loss3There is no doubt in my mind that before we can lose weight or burn excess body fat we must first nourish the body. Bottom line is we need to get our body healthy and well in order to get our fat burning/fat storing hormones working efficiently again.

It is the hormones, not the calories that are the main players in the diet show.

Your body becomes resistant to losing weight when you send it the wrong messages. [Read more…]

Losing Weight Starts in the Mind

weight_loss2If you are continually fighting the weight loss war and your ‘battle cry’ in the past has been “I need to lose weight” then you need to change up your slogan to “I need to get healthy to lose weight” and motivation is the first element that you need in place if you are serious about sticking to a healthy eating and exercise program.

Losing weight starts in the mind…

you must address your mind/mental aspects before you will see results on your physical frame. [Read more…]

Is Your Body Weight Loss Resistant?

weight_lossAfter watching excess calories like a hawk, exercising like crazy and taking what you thought were the right supplements you step onto the scale only to find out that your weight has not budged one bit. Not even one ounce.

The disappointment, frustration and discouragement that result cause you to give up the fight altogether blaming it on age or metabolism.

If this is the point you are at with your weight loss goals it’s time to find out what you could be doing that is making your body so resistant to losing weight. [Read more…]