Take this 60 second test and find out how YOU fare on the
Weight Loss Resistance Scale!
Hi. My name is
Carolyn Hansen, and the
test I have put together on
this page will help you find out in just 60 seconds where you rank on this
little understood physical health scale that determines your
resistance to losing weight.
Seriously. If you'd like to
reduce your resistance the first thing
you need to know is how resistant you are right now! Most people don't have the
faintest clue
where they stand, but by taking this test you'll get an
immediate answer.
So What IS The Weight Loss Resistance Scale?
Have you noticed that some people seem to defy the odds and remain slim and youthful-looking most of their life?
Well, it's not usually by accident that the rest of us seem to have great difficulty with this. We engage in behaviors
that cause us to become weight loss resistant. This is a shame since a great deal of this resistance can be removed simply
by changing certain habits.
By identifying these factors and assigning each a rough risk contribution it is possible to come up with a numerical assessment
of your
degree of weight loss resistance.
This is a number in the range 0 through to 10. The higher you are on this scale, the LESS likely you will be able to maintain
a healthy trim body and enjoying maximum health in the years ahead.
I call this The Weight Loss Resistance Scale. You can see a graphical representation of it below.
Slim active body.
Confidence at a maximum.
Most enjoyment from life.
Longest life span.
Overweight lethargic body.
Confidence at a minimum.
Least enjoyment from life.
Shortest life span.
Take The Test Now - Determine Your Weight Loss Resistance
Thanks for taking the time to complete the test. No matter how you scored,
the purpose of this test is merely to get you thinking about WHY you might
not be doing as well as you might like when it comes to reducing your body weight.
If you would like my quick assessment of your score...
f r o m t h e a u t h o r o f
o p t o u t a n y t i m e
Want more information about your test result?
How about I give you a
complete question-by-question
analysis of your OWN scoring on the Weight Loss Resistance Test?
Your answers to each of the 7 question will be sent to my instant
test analyser and you'll be emailed a question-by-question commentary
of how well you answered each question, and tips on how you could
have improved your response.
So if you are ready to find out why weight loss seems to be
particulary difficult
for you then simply add your name and email address to the
form on the right and hit ANALYZE ME.
Your privacy is guaranteed - no one but you shall ever know the
result of your test. You'll also get access to my
Healthy Now Means Healthy Later newsletter.
-- Carolyn Hansen
OK. By now you have an idea of where you rank on the
Weight Loss Resistance Scale,
and as you have discovered, there's room for a little improvement.
So how do you get from where you are now to a place where shedding unwanted
body weight is relatively easy? Is it even doable?
Well, there's a reason I put this test together - it's to alert you
to the fact that I have created a guide on this very subject -
Stop Weight Loss Resistance.
The short of it is that I know exactly how to do this and have been teaching the
principles of fat loss for more than 3 decades.
You can find out more about how to achieve
frictionless weight loss by getting
hold of his book:
So if you'd like to achieve
truly frictionless weight loss and be able to:
- Reach and maintain your ideal body weight
- Enjoy great physical self confidence
- Experience the greatest pleasure from life
- Live the maximum possible life span
visit my site to learn more now.
Incidentally, your answer sheet - shown below - has been recorded and will
be used to analyze your results.
(simply use the
email opt-in form above to get your test analysis right now):
Well, that's it. I hope you enjoyed taking the test.
Thanks for stopping by.
-- Carolyn Hansen
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