Start Your Day the Super Health Shake Way

health shakeIf you are not yet eating a nutrient-rich healthy way and need to speed up the detoxification process to lose weight naturally you need to maximize your micro-nutrient consumption.

Health shakes are the ticket to the fastest ride to not only losing weight but feeling fantastic as well. When food cravings kick in they are cravings.usually so intense and persistent that it will send the most avid dieter into the kitchen in a quest for something to eat. Most times this ends up being something with no nutritional value whatsoever that simply fuels your cravings even more.

This is why most mainstream diets fail miserably. They are based around processed foods that are not going to help you achieve your weight loss goals. If you are still eating the same things that threw your hormones out of whack you are going to have a very hard time losing that excess weight.

There is one thing you can do that will dramatically and effectively help you to lose weight while providing super nutrition; the Health Shake. Without a doubt, the Health Shake is the most efficient way to immediately get on the nutrition-dense eating track, get healthier and quell those 

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Reverse Leptin Resistance With Diet and Exercise

leptin food cravingsIf you have tried and failed at diets or health changes in the past, it most likely had something to do with your leptin levels.

Leptin is a hormone secreted by adipose tissue (fat tissue that tells you you’re full. Ghrelin is its opposite and works to tell you you’re hungry).

Because leptin is secreted by fat cells, you naturally produce more leptin as your weight increase.

Studies show that the problem is not in the production of leptin but that the majority of overweight people have a leptin resistance problem where the leptin is unable to produce its normal effects to stimulate weight loss.

Your body senses this resistance as starvation so mechanisms are activated that increase fat stores rather than burning excess fat. The person actually eats less but the body thinks it’s starving and triggers it to eat more. You can easily see how this would lead to weight gain. [Read more…]

Try This Sample Nutrient Dense Eating Plan for Success

weight_scaleEating nutritious foods leads to weight loss and the stabilization of weight naturally.

Our bodies reward us with higher energy and fewer pounds. Until our bodies receive the nutrients they need they will be nudging us to eat. You simply can’t shut it up using empty calories.

Empty nutrient-poor foods will never satisfy the body if its life sustaining needs have not been met. [Read more…]

You Can Reverse Your Weight Loss Resistant Body

weogjt loss resistance2The fact that you have recently discovered that you are residing in a weight loss resistant body does not mean that you are destined to stay there forever.

What it does mean though is that you must vow to make some serious changes to your activity levels, your eating and diet and overall lifestyle if you want to experience a balanced body.

If your body is showing signs of being weight loss resistant it is most likely because your body has experienced a hormonal change in some significant way. You have within you all the personal will power you need to wield against your weight loss resistant body if you are willing to step to the plate and manage your condition. [Read more…]

5 Busted Myths About Weight Loss

white scaleThere are many myths about weight loss that are still prevalent in the fitness industry that cause way more problems than they solve. Here’s 5 of the most widely known and believed.

Myth 1: You must count calories daily and create a deficit in order to lose weight. You will lose weight simply by exercise and burning more calories than what you eat.

This myth of eating less and exercising more has been busted.  [Read more…]

Weight Loss Resistant Body Is Not a Death Sentence

stop weight loss resistanceAIt is so frustrating to continually subject yourself to diets and exercise programs that simply do not work because your body has become weight-loss resistant. You begin to worry that it may be a lifelong affliction that you will just have to get used to.

The realization that you are living in a weight loss resistant body does not mean you are sentenced to a lifetime of being overweight. [Read more…]

Toxins Can Cause Your Body to Be Weight Resistant

toxic chemicalsThere are a few very important issues that cause people to be “weight loss resistant”, one of the prominent reasons is that our bodies become overburdened with toxins and our health suffers.

The level of pollution that we are exposed to compared to our ancient ancestors is like night and day. They experienced an occasional run-in with an odd toxic plant but today it’s hard to escape being exposed to these toxic substances on a daily basis…they are everywhere. [Read more…]

Leptin Resistance and Weight Loss

leptinYour body needs two important hormones functioning properly if you hope to lose that excess weight you might be carrying around. These two important weight loss hormones are insulin and leptin.

Insulin’s job is to control sugar and fat levels in the body, while leptin’s job is to burn fat. Leptin is one of the many hormones that regulate energy in your body…it also tells you when you’re full. As you gain more weight, you produce more leptin which is supposed to tell you to when to “stop eating”. [Read more…]

Muscle Matters

muscle mattersFrustrated dieters take notice…

The true key to successful and permanent weight loss is not about restricting food – it is about improving metabolism, your body’s engine. Your metabolism is responsible for turning the food you eat into energy so it can be burnt up rather than building up your tummy, hips and thighs.

The only way to boost your metabolism is to get your muscular system in better condition so you can burn more fuel (calories) both day and night. Proper strength training exercises are the key. [Read more…]

Health Benefits of Flax Seed and Chia Seed; Ancient Super Foods

super seedsMeet your two next best friends…two little seeds – chia and flax; ‘Ancient Super Foods of The Future’.  If you replaced 50% of the processed or refined foods that you are now eating with these two types of foods, you would experience unbelievable good health, energy and easy and effortless weight loss.

Some people call flax seeds the new wonder food and consider it the most powerful food on the planet.  Studies show that flax seed helps to fight everything from heart disease to diabetes to breast cancer.

This tiny little seed carries one of the biggest nutrient payloads for your body. Even though you can’t technically call it a grain, it has a similar vitamin and mineral profile to grains. But that’s where the difference ends. [Read more…]